
The Hello Project is an online social collaboration giving people the chance to say hi, hello, or hola on one of today’s most common yet neglected canvases: the Post-it®.

How it works is simple. Take a regular 3×3 Post-it® and write/sketch/doodle your version of hello. Scan it, email it to hi [at] thehelloproject.com, and they’ll post it for everyone to see.

THP is a relatively new site run by friends of The Donut and doodle extraordinaires Kristen Caston & Joseph Delhommer. Go check out the creative solutions so far and contribute – it only takes a second. It’s a great creative exercise to break the monotony of your everyday design stuff. I have a few submissions on there myself :)


Laura Jane Young said...

That's a fun idea, I'm surprised post-it notes weren't on our list of ordinary products to celebrate for the one week project! I love the post-it application on macs where you can have digital ones stuck on the screen as reminders. Very useful!

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